What to Expect When You Visit

What to expect when you visit
First, worship begins at 10am.  The service is about an hour in length.

Children are welcome in worship!  
Our worship is kid friendly. We have a special time for children built into our service and a family lounge adjacent to our sanctuary offers a convenient and comfortable space where kids of all ages can comfortably sit without fear of disturbing other worshippers. Comfy couches, chairs, toys and more are available.  

What to Wear
Please feel free to come in clothes you feel comfortable wearing. 

We'll be glad to welcome you!
A greeter will welcome you, and you may sit where you feel comfortable. Never fear... no one will ask you to stand and introduce yourself and you will not be pointed out during the worship service.  

During worship we sing several hymns--some old and some new.  Feel free to sing along or simply listen and enjoy. We're blessed with many congregation members who share their musical talents often on violin and keyboards, and as singers including soloists, quartets and choirs.

We celebrate Communion, also called the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist, on the first Sunday of the month.  Communion was instituted by Jesus and is a reminder of his death and resurrection.  Sometimes we celebrate by distribution, which means that plates of bread and juice are passed through the pews, and sometimes we celebrate by intinction, which means that we come to the front of the sanctuary and each receive a piece of bread to dip in a common cup of juice.  You are not obligated to participate but all who believe in Jesus are welcome to share in Communion!

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